Our annual meeting is typically held during the Dixie Pawnbrokers Education Conference and Trade Show (The Dixie). More information is available at www.dixieconvention.com.
According to our bylaws which were adopted in October 2018:
An annual meeting of the members shall be held each year for the purpose of electing officers and directors and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. The Board of Directors shall set the time and place of the annual meeting. Notification of the meeting shall be made to each member of the association stating the time, date, location, slate of officer nominees for the up-coming year, and detailed information pertaining to any association business that will require a vote by members of the association. This meeting notification shall also contain a “proxy ballot” on which a member in good standing may vote for officers or by-laws changes by proxy. This vote must reach the association secretary forty eight (48) hours prior to the time set for the general meeting in order to be a valid vote. Notification of meeting times and dates must be postmarked to members thirty (30) days prior to the date of the meeting, in writing and by mail or electronic media.
Want to learn more about serving on the MPA Board? Email Tommie@mspawnbrokers.org!